Dubai, UAE – May 2024: Imran Moinuddin, Senior Vice President of Data and AI at VentureDive, a leading technology solutions company, was at the forefront as a panelist at the Data Innovation Summit MEA 2024. The summit, held on May 8-9 at the Hilton Dubai Palm Jumeirah, brought together over 300 delegates and industry leaders to explore the future of technology and innovation.

The Data Innovation Summit MEA 2024 provided a platform for organizations to accelerate their advanced analytical capabilities and stay competitive in the Digital and AI Economy. Imran joined a distinguished panel moderated by, Armin Kech, from a diverse set of industries including, but not limited to healthcare, technology, and AI. The panel included David Dadoun, President of Data, Analytics, and IT Innovations at BRP, Rizwan Tufail, Chief Data Officer at PureHealth, and Giuseppe Mura, Director of Solution Engineering, EMEA at Software AG, to discuss the theme “From Experimentation to Industrialisation – How to truly create impact with Advanced Analytics and AI.”

Imran offered valuable insights on scaling AI initiatives within organizations during the panel discussion. He emphasized that achieving small, consistent successes is key to building confidence and momentum around AI projects. By starting with focused, manageable use cases and gradually expanding their scope, organizations can pave the way for significant achievements and cultivate a culture of innovation.

Imran also highlighted, Data adoption is an ongoing process that necessitates a commitment to continuous learning and a clear set of priorities”. His insights underscored the importance of investing in technical expertise and cultural change to unlock the potential of data-driven transformation within organizations.

It became clear that three key trends are shaping the future of AI. Imran reflected, “Firstly, we’re seeing a significant push towards power efficiency, aligning AI models with climate priorities and reducing their environmental impact. Secondly, computing efficiency is advancing rapidly, enabling more decision-making at the edge and closer to the data source. Finally, there’s an acceleration in the commodification of advanced AI capabilities, freeing practitioners to focus on adoption, integration, and value creation rather than complex model development.”

These trends emphasize a significant shift for AI in business, making it more accessible, sustainable, and integrated. VentureDive is leading this transformation, with their deep expertise and commitment playing a pivotal role in shaping data-driven, AI-powered solutions, earning them the trust of leading Fortune 50.

For more details, visit VentureDive to learn more about our Data & AI capabilities.