Integrated Delivery Channels in Banking and Embedded Finance

Customers expect their banking experiences to be as seamless and convenient as their everyday interactions with technology. Traditional banking methods often fall short, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction. The need for accessible, secure, and efficient banking services is more critical than ever. 

This blog delves into the evolution and significance of integrated delivery channels in banking, exploring how they can address common pain points such as accessibility, security, and user experience. 

Delivery channels in banking: A brief overview

Delivery channels in banking refer to the various methods through which banks provide services and interact with their customers. These channels facilitate transactions, account management, customer support, and the dissemination of financial information. Delivery channels aim to enhance customer convenience, improve accessibility, and ensure seamless banking experiences.

Over the years, banking delivery channels have evolved significantly, transforming the way customers interact with financial institutions. Here’s a concise exploration of their history and impact:

Timeline of delivery channels

Timelines of delivery channels in banking and finance

Key features of modern delivery channels

Key features of modern delivery channels in banking and finance

Types of delivery channels

Types of delivery channels in banking and finance

Strategies for implementing integrated delivery channels – Best practices and challenges to avoid

Data security and privacy

Implement robust encryption protocols (e.g., SSL/TLS) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect sensitive customer data. Regularly update security measures and conduct security audits to identify vulnerabilities. Ensure compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR and PCI DSS to avoid legal penalties and enhance customer trust.

Integration complexity

Use standardized APIs and middleware solutions to facilitate seamless integration between different banking systems and third-party services. Employ a microservices architecture to allow independent development and scaling of individual components, reducing the complexity of the overall system. Ensure thorough software testing and use continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to streamline the integration process.

Legacy systems compatibility

Gradually modernize legacy systems by integrating them with new technologies using APIs and middleware. Implement a hybrid approach where legacy systems and modern solutions coexist, allowing for phased upgrades. Use enterprise service buses (ESBs) to facilitate communication between legacy systems and new platforms, ensuring data consistency and system compatibility.

User experience (UX) consistency

Design a unified user interface (UI) across all delivery channels to provide a consistent and seamless user experience. Conduct user research and usability testing to understand customer preferences and pain points. Implement responsive design techniques to ensure the UI adapts to different devices and screen sizes, maintaining a consistent experience.

Scalability and performance

Utilize cloud-based infrastructure to ensure scalability and handle varying transaction volumes. Implement load balancing and auto-scaling features to manage high-traffic periods efficiently. Optimize database performance by using indexing, caching, and efficient query practices. Monitor system performance in real time and use analytics to predict and address potential bottlenecks.

Regulatory compliance

Stay updated with local and international regulations affecting banking services. Implement compliance management software to monitor and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements. Conduct regular compliance audits and train staff on regulatory changes and their implications. Use encryption and secure data storage solutions to protect sensitive information and maintain compliance.

Customer adoption and trust

Provide clear communication about the benefits and security measures of integrated delivery channels to build customer trust. Offer tutorials and customer support to help users navigate new platforms and services. Use customer feedback to continuously improve services and address any concerns promptly. Ensure transparency in how customer data is used and protected.

Operational silos

Foster collaboration between different departments by using integrated platforms that provide a unified view of customer data and operations. Implement a centralized customer relationship management (CRM) system to ensure all departments have access to up-to-date customer information. Use cross-functional teams to develop and manage integrated delivery channels, promoting a holistic approach to service delivery.

Technology adoption

Provide comprehensive training programs for staff to familiarize them with new technologies and processes. Use change management strategies to facilitate smooth transitions and minimize resistance. Encourage a culture of continuous learning and innovation to keep pace with technological advancements. Involve employees in the development and implementation process to increase buy-in and adoption.

Cost management

Develop a clear implementation roadmap to prioritize investments and manage costs effectively. Use cost-benefit analysis to justify investments in new technologies and platforms. Leverage cloud services and scalable infrastructure to optimize resource usage and reduce capital expenditure. Continuously monitor and analyze the return on investment (ROI) to ensure cost-effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.

Enhance banking experiences with integrated delivery channels

Huge strides in financial technologies have enabled a number of delivery channels, benefiting both the customers and the banks. These technologies have also changed how customers interact with banks and financial institutions. Traditional banking channels will gradually find themselves replaced by newer and digital solutions. 

As such, traditional banks stand at a risk of losing their customer base, if they do not adopt the latest financial solutions. Such banks and financial institutions can partner with a fintech services provider like VentureDive, and start by seeking consultancy and developing roadmaps for building their custom solutions.

How to Build Open Banking Solutions with SDKs

When John, the founder of a burgeoning fintech startup, decided to create an innovative financial app, he quickly found himself overwhelmed by the complexities of integrating with multiple banking systems. Each bank had its own protocols, security requirements, and documentation, turning what should have been a straightforward development process into a daunting task. He needed a solution that could simplify these integrations and provide a standardized approach to building his application. Enter banking SDKs.

An SDK (Software Development Kit) is a collection of software development tools, libraries, documentation, and sample code that developers use to create applications for specific platforms or services. It provides a comprehensive environment to facilitate the development process, offering resources that help developers build, test, and integrate software efficiently. The rise of embedded finance has increased the popularity of SDKs

Banking SDKs offer a powerful solution to the challenges faced by fintechs like John’s. They provide a comprehensive toolkit that includes libraries, documentation, and sample code to streamline the development of financial applications. With the right SDK, developers can focus on building unique fintech app features and enhancing user experience, rather than wrestling with the intricacies of banking integrations.

Components of SDKs

How do SDKs prove to be useful in the banking sector?

SDKs are tailored to help developers build financial applications by providing pre-built components and tools specific to banking functionalities. These SDKs simplify the integration of various banking services, such as payment processing, account management, authentication, and data security, enabling developers to create robust and compliant financial solutions quickly and efficiently.

Top banking SDK solutions providers

Banking SDKs vs. APIs

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are sets of rules and protocols that allow one software application to interact with another. They serve as intermediaries that enable different systems to communicate and exchange data seamlessly.

SDKs vs APIs

Here are the key differences between APIs and SDKs in detail:

AspectAPIs (Application Programming Interfaces)SDKs (Software Development Kits)
DefinitionSet of protocols and tools for building software applications by specifying how software components should interact.Collection of software development tools, libraries, and documentation to facilitate the creation of applications for specific platforms or frameworks.
ComponentsEndpoints, requests, responses, authentication mechanisms, and documentation.Libraries, APIs, sample code, documentation, debuggers, and testing tools.
PurposeFacilitate communication between different software systems and allow integration of external services.Provide a comprehensive toolkit for developers to create applications with specific functionalities or for particular platforms.
UsageUsed to connect different systems, retrieve or send data, and enable inter-software communication.Used to build complete applications from scratch or add specific functionalities to existing applications.
ScopeGenerally limited to specific functionalities, such as accessing data or services from an external source.Broader in scope, offering a range of tools to cover the entire development process for a specific platform or use case.
ComplexityUsually less complex, focusing on specific tasks and functions.More complex, providing extensive resources for development, testing, and deployment.
ExamplesREST APIs, SOAP APIs, GraphQL APIs.Android SDK, iOS SDK, AWS SDK.
IntegrationRequires developers to handle more integration details, such as authentication, data parsing, and error handling.Simplifies integration by providing pre-built components and standardized processes.
Learning curveGenerally lower, with a focus on understanding endpoints and data formats.Higher, as it involves learning to use a suite of tools and libraries effectively.
Development speedCan be faster for specific, well-defined tasks or integrations.Can speed up development significantly by providing ready-made tools and components, especially for complex applications.
CustomizationHighly customizable, as developers can choose which endpoints and methods to use.Offers customization through extensive libraries and tools but within the confines of the provided framework.
DocumentationTypically includes endpoint definitions, request/response formats, and usage examples.Includes comprehensive guides, tutorials, sample projects, and reference materials.

Building secure open banking systems using SDKs 

Building an open banking solution requires understanding the necessary protocols and procedures, along with the possible challenges. Here are some of the best practices that go into building such a solution, and how banks can maintain compliance and security while achieving their technology goals.

Step 1: Define requirements

Identify use cases and determine the specific banking functionalities your application needs, such as account information, payment processing, or transaction history. Ensure your solution adheres to regulatory standards like PSD2 and includes necessary security measures (e.g., data encryption, and user authentication).

Step 2: Select the appropriate SDK

Research and compare available banking SDKs to find the one that best suits your needs (e.g., Plaid, Stripe, Yodlee). Verify that the SDK supports your target platform (web, mobile, etc.) and programming language.

Step 3: Set up the development environment

Follow the documentation to install the SDK and its dependencies. Set up your development environment (IDE, version control, etc.) to work with the SDK.

Step 4: Authenticate and connect to banking services

Obtain the necessary API keys or credentials from the banking service provider. Implement the authentication flow as per the SDK documentation, ensuring secure connections to banking APIs.

Step 5: Integrate core banking features

Use the SDK libraries to access and display user account information. Implement payment initiation and processing functionalities. Retrieve and present transaction histories to users.

Step 6: Implement user interface

Design a user-friendly interface that allows users to interact with banking features seamlessly. Utilize pre-built UI components from the SDK, if available, to speed up development.

Step 7: Test the application

Test all banking features to ensure they work correctly. Conduct thorough security testing to protect user data and transactions. Verify that the application complies with relevant regulations and standards.

Step 8: Deploy and monitor

Deploy the application to your chosen platform (App Store, web server, etc.). Set up monitoring tools to track the performance and usage of the application. Collect user feedback and iterate on the application to improve functionality and user experience.

From fintech startups to eCommerce, banking SDKs benefit all

Building an open banking solution using SDKs is a transformative step towards innovation in the financial industry. With use cases for traditional banks, fintech startups, e-commerce platforms, and businesses providing financial services, banking SDKs are invaluable in crafting financial solutions and applications. However, there are challenges in implementing and integrating SDKs within traditional banking systems.

Partnering with a fintech services provider like VentureDive can help overcome these challenges, accelerating development, enhancing security, and ensuring regulatory adherence, ultimately leading to a more seamless and efficient financial ecosystem. Connect with our experts today.

The Role of Secure Payment Gateways in Transactions

In 2020, a major payment processor experienced a significant outage that disrupted millions of transactions globally, causing chaos for businesses and consumers alike. The downtime not only resulted in substantial financial losses but also severely damaged customer trust and business reputations. This incident underscored a critical vulnerability in the digital economy; the reliance on secure and efficient payment gateways​. 

What is a payment gateway and what makes it important for banks and financial institutions (BFSIs)?

Payment gateways act as intermediaries, ensuring the secure transfer of payment data from customers to merchants and subsequently to the payment processors. They provide robust security measures, and efficient processing, and build trust with customers by safeguarding their financial information. This technology is not only essential for small business owners but also for banks and financial institutions (BFSIs) aiming to offer secure and efficient payment solutions.

Types of payment gateways

Types of payment gateways

Why are payment gateways important?

Why are payment gateways important?

Implementing a secure payment gateway: Procedure, best practices, and challenges


Challenges and mitigation practices

Benefits of payment gateways 

Payment gateways hold several benefits for merchants, customers, banks, and BFSIs. Here we have listed the key features that prove essential to the stakeholders involved.

Benefits of payment gateways

Use cases and examples 


PayPal is one of the most widely used online payment platforms globally, handling millions of transactions daily. It uses SSL/TLS encryption protocols to protect data transmitted between users and their servers. The company employs tokenization to replace sensitive card information with unique tokens, reducing the risk of data breaches.


  • Increased trust: PayPal’s robust security measures have earned it a reputation for safety, leading to widespread customer trust.
  • Reduced fraud: The implementation of advanced fraud detection tools has significantly lowered the incidence of fraudulent transactions.


Stripe is a technology company that builds economic infrastructure for the internet, offering payment processing services for online businesses. It is PCI DSS Level 1 certified, ensuring it meets the highest standards of payment security. The company uses machine learning algorithms to detect and prevent fraudulent activities in real-time.


  • Secure transactions: Businesses using Stripe benefit from secure, compliant payment processing.
  • Customer satisfaction: The secure and seamless payment experience increases customer confidence and satisfaction.


Square provides payment and point-of-sale solutions for businesses of all sizes, from small merchants to large enterprises. It uses end-to-end encryption to secure data from the point of capture through transmission to their servers. Square’s hardware supports EMV chip cards, which offer enhanced security compared to traditional magnetic stripe cards.


  • Lower fraud risk: Enhanced security measures reduce the risk of fraudulent transactions for merchants.
  • Ease of use: Businesses can offer secure payment options without complex setup processes.


Barclays is a major global financial services provider offering various banking solutions, including secure online and mobile banking. It uses 2FA to add an extra layer of security to online banking transactions. The bank employs behavioral analytics to monitor and detect unusual account activity.


  • Enhanced security: Customers benefit from increased protection against unauthorized access to their accounts.
  • Fraud prevention: Real-time monitoring and analytics help identify and mitigate potential fraud.

Upholding payment security with gateways 

Payment gateways are integral to the financial ecosystem, providing essential features that bolster security, efficiency, and customer trust. For banks and financial institutions, adopting secure payment gateways ensures better fraud prevention, compliance with industry standards, and enhanced customer experiences—essential for maintaining competitive advantage and operational excellence.

Talk to our experts today, and find out how VentureDive can enable your business with end-to-end, reliable solutions to keep your payment gateways secure.

Digital Onboarding in Banks & Personalization in Customer Experiences

Picture Sarah, a young professional eager to open a new bank account after moving to a new city. Excited about starting fresh, she steps into her local branch, only to be met with long queues, heaps of paperwork, and a frustratingly slow process. 

Despite her enthusiasm, the traditional onboarding experience leaves her feeling drained and disheartened. But then, she discovers a bank offering digital onboarding. From the comfort of her home, Sarah swiftly uploads her documents, completes identity verification through facial recognition, and sets up her account in minutes. 

Her experience was transformed from a tiresome ordeal to a seamless and efficient process. This was made possible through digital banking and its advanced onboarding procedures. The advent of digital banking has simplified the overall onboarding journey for customers like Sarah.

Understanding digital onboarding in banks 

Digital banking encompasses a wide range of online services that allow customers to manage their finances without stepping into a physical branch. These services include:

  • Online account opening
  • Digital wallets
  • Mobile banking apps 
  • Remote customer support 

The goal is to provide customers with a convenient, accessible, and secure banking experience that fits into their digital lifestyle.

Digital onboarding specifically refers to the process of bringing new customers into the bank’s ecosystem through digital channels. It leverages technologies such as;

  • Biometric verification, 
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR), 
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), and 
  • Machine learning to streamline various steps. 

Through these technologies, banks ensure error-free identity verification, document submission, compliance checks, and account setup, all performed quickly and securely online.

The customer onboarding process

Step 1: Initial interaction

Customers access the onboarding platform via the bank’s website or mobile app.

Step 2: Identity verification

Customers upload necessary documents (e.g., ID, proof of address). They use facial recognition or fingerprint scanning for biometric verification. Here, OCR APIs and biometric SDKs prove to be helpful for document scanning and identity verification.

Step 3: Data collection

Customers fill out digital forms with personal information. Furthermore, auto-fill capabilities help reduce the time and effort taken to enter data manually.

Step 4: Risk assessment and fraud detection

At this stage, credit checks, AML screening, and other compliance checks are performed. AI and machine learning algorithms are utilized for fraud detection.

Step 5: Account setup

Customers open the accounts through digital agreements and terms of service which are reviewed and signed upon selecting an account of their choosing. To make sure all the protocols are followed without visiting the office, E-signature solutions are used for secure digital signatures.

Step 6: Confirmation and account activation

Here, the completion of the digital onboarding process is confirmed and the account is activated. A digital welcome kit with account details and usage instructions is sent. Lastly, confirmation emails and secure account activation procedures are automated.

Step 7: Post-onboarding support

Ongoing support is offered through chatbots, live chat, and customer service hotlines. Feedback is gathered to improve the onboarding process.

Digital onboarding benefits for customers and banks

Implementing digital onboarding in banking – best practices and possible challenges

While digital bank onboarding is crucial today, its implementation requires a thorough understanding of the best practices and possible challenges.

What kind of challenges stand in the way of digital onboarding? Let’s explore.

Challenges in digital onboarding in banks

Best practices

To curb the above-listed challenges, banks and financial institutions (BFSIs) can adopt the following practices:

Create user-friendly interfaces

Use responsive design frameworks (e.g., React Native) to ensure a seamless experience across devices. Implement user experience (UX) best practices to guide users through the process smoothly.

Apply advanced identity verification

Integrate biometric SDKs (e.g., FaceTec, iProov) and ensure compliance with standards like FIDO2 for secure authentication.

Automate document processing

Utilize APIs for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) (e.g., Google Cloud Vision, ABBYY) to automate data extraction, reduce errors in data entry, and speed up the process.

Seamlessly integrate with core banking systems

Use middleware and API gateways (e.g., Mulesoft, Apigee) to enable seamless data flow and application integration with existing banking infrastructure.

Implement robust security measures

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication solutions (e.g., Authy, Duo) and ensure all data transmissions are encrypted using TLS/SSL protocols. Store sensitive information securely using encryption standards like AES-256.

Ensure compliance with regulatory standards

Integrate Know your Customer/Anti-Money Laundering (KYC/AML) compliance tools (e.g., Jumio, Trulioo) to automate compliance checks and maintain audit trails. Regularly update systems to comply with changing regulations.

Provide personalized customer experiences

Use data analytics platforms (e.g., Tableau, Power BI) to analyze customer data and create personalized onboarding journeys. Implement artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to predict customer needs and offer relevant services.

Offer real-time support and assistance

Integrate AI-powered chatbots (e.g., IBM Watson, Dialogflow) and live chat solutions (e.g., Zendesk, Intercom) to provide instant support and address customer queries in real time.

Work on a feedback mechanism

Use survey tools (e.g., SurveyMonkey, Typeform) to collect feedback and implement analytics to identify areas for improvement in the onboarding process.

Keep an eye out for regular updates and maintenance

Employ agile development and testing methodologies and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab CI) to ensure the platform is regularly updated and improved based on user feedback.

Fostering personalized experiences by streamlining the onboarding process

While digital onboarding in banks has existed for quite some time, many have not yet adopted or completely transformed their procedures. Moreover, with the rising data volumes, banks face challenges in maintaining data quality while ensuring data privacy and compliance with ever-changing regulations. On top of that, banks with legacy systems still struggle with fraud prevention techniques, which makes it difficult to transition to digital from physical onboarding. 

With the digitization of banking services, digital onboarding has become a norm in major parts of the world. Banks considering moving towards the digital from the physical, or developing financial technologies should consult with a technology services provider having ample expertise in the financial services domain. VentureDive is one such firm boasting an extensive portfolio in developing fintech products. Connect with our experts today to get started.

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